


R05.9 PHY Sophea Rom Leveraging Machine Learning for River Flow Forecasting in the Tonle Sap Lake Basin, Cambodia
R05.3 網野俊亮 Singular Diffusion Models of Schooling Fish wiht Rheotaxis
R04.3 木村優世 Dynamics of Nutrient-Phytoplankton Systems in Thermally Stratified Lakes
宋  宇 Spatial Statistics and Percolation Probability of Pores in Porous Media with Aggregate Structure
竹内公基 Evaluation and Optimization of Irrigation System of Tea Plantation in Assam, India under Global Climate Change
竹内雄人 Investigation of Inertial, Viscous, and Capillary Effects on the Drainage Process in Porous Media
山口真広 Analysis of Soil Moisture Dynamics Utilizing Fractional Calculus
R03.9 MAGERO Eileen Joan Anomalous Growth Dynamics of Irrigated Phoenix dactylifera (Date Palm)
R03.3 飯間一翔 Fish Ascending Simulation in an Agricultural Channel with Hydraulic Drops
木村光平 Advantages of Dry Spell Length over the Standardized Precipitation Index as a Drought Indicator
R02.9 Channpisey Nop Multi-state Markov Chain Models Applied to Optimal Operation of Rainwater Harvesting Systems
R02.3 大石真悠子 An Estimation of Phosphorus Load from a Forested Wastershed in the Sengari Reservoir Basin
山谷浩介 Assessment of Phosphorus Fractionation and Adsorption Amount in Paddy Soil in the Sengari Reservior Basin
R01.9 Sarit Chung Flood Inundation Modeling for Rice-Crop Damage Assessment in the Stung Sen River Basin, Cambodia
H31.3 伊藤豪哉 Numerical Computation of Fingering in Hele-Shaw Cell Using Charge Simulation Method
橋本大志 Visualization Experiments of Bifurcation in Saltwater Intrusion to Groundwater and Chaotic Fluctuation Test for Salinity Data
藤倉大和 Deterministic Dyanmic Programmin for Operation of Multipurpose Reserviors
H30.9 Sovanna Mean Steady and Unsteady Flows in an Open Channel System with Paddy Fields and Ponds
H30.3 後藤慶太郎 Analysis on Geographical Factors of Phosphate-Phosphorus Concentration in Rivers into Sengari Reservoir
土橋正幸 Estimation of Phosphorus Load in Agricultural Watershed Using SWAT
原啓太郎 Modeling of Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media Using Lattice Boltzmann Method
柳井康太郎 A Linear Input-Output Model for Rainfall and Groundwater Levels in a Bangladeshi Floodplain
Ndede Elizaphan Otieno Numerical Computation of Robust Optimal Policy for Risky Farming Systems
H29.9 Baobab Kibet Kimengich Applicability of SWAT Model to Agricultural Watershed in Japan
H29.3 川畑 誠 Analysis and Verification of Density-driven Fluctuation Caused by Saltwater Intrusion into Groundwater
辻 英剛 Imbibition and Drainage Processes from the Perspective of Percolation Theory
中道理介 Application of Degenerate Elliptic Equations to Fish Behavior Models
八重樫優太 Optimal Management Strategy of Plecoglossus Altivelis under Predation Pressure from Phalacrocorax Carbo
H28 石原弘輝 Observation and Analysis of Local Hydrological Processes in a Tea Plantation Area
海野優介 Numerical and Physical Experiments for Fluids Flowing in Low Head Drip Irrigation Systems
住居 航 Estimation of Permeability of Porous Media with Mixed Wettabilities Based on Hydraulic Conductance in Noncircular Capillaries
高木健司 A Regime-Switching Diffusion Process Model for Advection-Dispersion-Deposition Phenomena in Surface Water Flows
横田康平 A Community Dynamics Model in Pools and Riffles of a Low Flow River
H27 金城信彦 Multidisciplinary Hydraulic Design of Water Intake Structure Installed across an Ephemeral River
桑野良太 Markov Control of Dry Season Irrigation under the Risk of Groundwater Depletion
H26 川並俊輔 Simultaneous Analysis of Navier-Stokes and Darcy Flows Solving Darcy-Brinkman Equations
北村直己 Bundle of Capillary Tubes Model Considering Curvature of Air-water Interface
民部田洋介 A Stochastic Population Dynamics Model Applied for Sustainability Assessment of Wetland Ecosystems
吉村悠太郎 Effect Analysis of Subsurface Hydro-environment Caused by Percolating-water Induced Density-driven Flow
H25 蘭  園 Computational Analysis of Estuarine Shallow Water Flows with Regulating Hydraulic Structures
梁 美里 Strategic Management of Rainwater Harvesting Systems Using Stochastic Process Models
渡邊貴史 Modeling of Water Flow in Water-Repellent Porous Media with Dynamic Capillary Pressure
H24 伊藤 陽 Modeling of Hydraulic Characteristics for Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Sands Mixture with Cellular Automaton
藤田常人 Comprehensive Evaluation of Lake Water Quality with Multiple Indices
吉岡秀和 Parabolic Equation Models for Stochastic Transport Phenomena in Surface Water Flows
H23 大石智史 Dynamical Fertilizer Application Based on Markovian Prediction of Soil Water Content
七枝 拓 Numerical Investigations of Artificial Reef Configuration in Canals Using Fractal Dimension
H22 永持達也 Optimal Water Allocation in Paddy Rice Area with Water-saving Culture
室井洋佑 Application of Kolmogorov Equations to Control of Migration Phenomena in Agricultural Environment
H21 岩木真穂 Application of Stochastic Differential Equations to Modelling Time Series of Precipitation
重森玲子 Numerical Methods for Simulation of Unsteady Flow in Drainage Canals for Agricultural Use
廣政 圭 Optimization Model for Locating Water Quality Monitoring Stations in Rivers
武馬夏希 A Fully Coupled Hydro-environmental Surface and Subsurface Flow Model with Field-plot-scale Resolution
吉川和樹 Optimal Allocation of Maximum Allowable Pollutant Load among Field Plots in Agricultural Watershed
H20 今川智絵 Field-Lot-Based Assessment of Land Conservation Impacts on Hydro-Environment Using Three-Zoned Cell-Profiling Watershed Model
世戸貴大 Finite Volume Solutions of Flows in Hydraulic Structures Using Two-dimensional Shallow Water Equations
長野峻介 Spatiotemporal Water Quality Variations of Agricultural Drainage Waters Discharged into River
宮内彩子 Hydraulic Approaches to Flood Modeling in Ghanaian Inland Valleys
藤原ヴァイオレッタさくら Decision-Support Model for Optimal Fertilizer Application and Irrigation Using Short- and Medium-Term Weather Forecasts
H19 泉 智揮 Estimation of Soil Hydraulic Properties in Saturated-unsaturated Groundwater Flow Model Using Inverse Method
中川哲平 An Inverse Analysis Method with Less Computational Load for Advection-Dispersion Phenomena
中村輝人 Strategic Lake Water Quality Management by Optimal COD Loads Allocation
H18 石田 桂 Migratory Behavior of Fish Individuals in Channel Systems
市川敬一郎 Optimization of Fertilizer Application Considering Uncertainty in Soil Environment
立川淳平 Optimal Allocation of Allowable Discharged T-N Load Considering Water Quality Trading
H17 合田奈緒 Delineation of Basin-Wide Groundwater Recharge Distribution Using GIS and Groundwater Model
村上 淳 Optimum Allocation of River-Genetic COD Loads to Lake
吉本周平 Systems Engineering Approach to Evaluation of Multi-functionality of Irrigation Tanks
H16 冨田圭佑 3-D Analysis of Density Flow in Littoral Wetlands Using Finite Volume method with TVD Scheme
岩崎里江 Bottom-Desiccation Effects on Water Quality in Irrigation Tanks
倉田 進 Optimal Control of Interconnected Irrigation Tanks System Using Minimum Principle
H15 桐畑裕行 Flood Mitigation Effect of Irrigation Tanks
田島誠一 Numerical Analysis of Turbulent Flow in Pools of Vertical Slot Type Fishway
橋本志穂 GIS-Aided Estimation of Natural Groundwater Recharge Potential in Ysu River Basin
蛹エ千穂 Categorization of Irrigation Tanks from their Physical Environment and Algae/Water Quality Facet
H14 佐藤弘明 Phosphorous and Nitrogen Circulation in an Irrigation Tank - A Case Study in Higashiike -
田中孝幸 Estimation of Relative Pollutant Loads in Lake Using Neural Networks
寺田周平 Lake Water Quality Management Using Robust Control Theory
H13 竹内潤一郎 Decision Making on Management of Multiple-Reservoir System Using Middle-term Weather Forecast
土原健雄 Computation of Salinity Intrusion in Coastal Groundwater Using Fuzzy Reasoning
徐 永強 飽和-不飽和浸透流における逆問題手法および材料パラメータの同定
H12 羽田 晃 Flood Regulation in Reservoir Using Robust Servo Controller
東田陽司 GIS-Based Scoring of Water Recharge Potential in the Lake-Biwa Basin
宮崎 純 Unsteady Forward Analysis and Steady Inverse Analysis of Flows in 1-D Open Channel Networks with Hydraulic Structures
宮地 敏 Decision Support System for Reservoir Operation Using Neural Network
H11 前田滋哉 Robust Optimization of Pollutant Load Allocation under Environmental Constraints in Rivers
灘 由佳 Ecosystem Analysis in a Reservoir by Vertically One-Dimensional Mode
H10 栗本 浩 Identification of Pollutant Loading Sources Using Neural Networks
中西滋樹 Automatic Reservoir Management Using Robust Control Theory
深津光生 Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Density-Stratified Flow in the Nakaumi-Shinjiko Estuarine Basin
H09 岡本岳之 Analysis of Discontinuous Flow Using the Dissipative Galerkin Scheme
堀内紀孝 An Optimization Model for River Water Quality Control Using Linear Programming

農業工学専攻(水利工学講座 )修了生と修士論文題目

H08 川勝健一 Analysis of Discontinuous Flow Using the Dissipative Galerkin Scheme
H07 片山輝伸 An Optimization Model of River Water Quality Management
間瀬智之 衛星画像の処理プログラムの開発
H06 宇波耕一 Studies on Optimal Control Problems of Unsteady Flows in Irrigation Canals
H05 平松 研 Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Thermally Stratified Flows
蒔田 稔 Finite Element Analysis of Spatially Distributed Water Quality in an Estuarine Network System
マカリアス Numerical Analysis of Steady Flow in Open-Channel Network Systems
H02 中島龍成 ダム群のシステムコントロール
H01 土井義暢 浮力を利用した定量分水装置の水理特性 -その実験的研究-
藤原正幸 中海における基本的水理特性の解析的研究 -水平二次元二層密度流モデルの適用-
降籏英樹 水理環境要素分布の研究
S63 足立健一 溜池の最適設計に関する研究
島 尚士 Diffusion Wave解析への有限要素法適用に関する基礎的研究
藤村一平 開水路網系の有限要素法による定常流解析について
S61 木戸敏浩 非等方性地盤内の浸透流解析 -道後平野の地下水を例にして-
阪部久敬 中海水質の時系列解析
竹内康人 エアレーションによる海水逆流防止法
多田浩光 掃流を中心とした河床変動現象の二次元有限要素法解析に関する基礎的研究
シャジャリ Studies on Numerical Solution Method for Transient Flow in Pipeline System
S60 喜多威知郎 貯水池群の静的及び動的解析の研究
S58 伴 道一 広域平面流の解析と図化
S57 山田昭次 リモートセンシングデータを用いた中海の水環境に関する研究
S56 大桑邦太 宍道湖・中海淡水化計画における閘門除塩施設の研究
久津名博之 広域水系におけるダム群制御の理論的研究
S55 スチャリット 開水路の過渡的流れに関する研究
S53 井岡幹博 水利計画へのリモートセンシング技術の導入
奥村博司 津波の解析
藤井秀人 水文統計学に関する応用的研究
S52 薦田廣章 淡水化理論の研究
高垣誠一郎 ゲート操作を伴う中之口川・信濃川水系シミュレーション
S51 植村嘉之 多孔質体中の熱水分輸送現象
武本行正 粘性流体の数値解析に関する研究
S50 大木崇戌 広域地下水の季節変動
森本陸世 貯水池群の最適運用操作法とそのシミュレーション
S49 志岐 明 淡水湖における拡散現象の解析法
藤堂 明 表面波及びその淡水湖への影響
端 憲二 広域農業水利における水質計画導入に関する研究
S48 服部真治 吉井川水理模型実験
星川和俊 広域多目的水利計画に関する基礎的研究
S47 早崎 勉 フィルタイプダムの耐震性に関する研究












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